Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Playing the waiting game.

I'm currently waiting for my 10 Ork Boyz which I won off eBay and my basing stuff (fine grit & static grass) which means I'm pretty limited when it comes to options of what to do so I decided to put together another two of my Dark Angels Veterans. The first one is OK but has a couple of molds lines which I couldn't fully get because I put him together before doing it, lesson learnt there. The second model I put together today came out much better, I'm really happy with how he looks.



Hopefully I will be basing, priming and painting soon, it's all down to the postman!

Sunday, 24 July 2011

First ever model complete.

I'm not 100% pleased with the end result, the light green I added doesn't work and looks bad, plus the paint looks "sticky" on the pad for some reason. Overall I guess it's not a bad first attempt, and I am really happy with the cloth but I don't know, I can't help feeling a little deflated.

Friday, 22 July 2011

Day 2 done, cloth finished.

The Sun has gone down so it's time for me to stop for the day. I managed to finish the cloth which looks pretty good for a first attempt, it has a real battle worn look about it which I love. While I did say it's finished I might actually hit it with a hard highlight of Bonewhite when I get the chance.

The cloth has two highlights and a liberal covering of Devlan Mud wash.

Day 2, basecoat done.

I just finished basecoating my first ever model and you know, I'm fairly happy with him. There's a few bits I need to touch up or missed completely (damn you bit behind the backpack!) but overall he looks how I wanted him to. He's currently drying on my shelf which gives me time to update you with some photos.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Day 1 done.

Well that's me done for the day as the primer needs time to dry and I've spent a lot of time on my miniature today (remember this is my first model ever, stop laughing at me!).

Here he is primed and ready to kick ass, or dry on my shelf, one of the two!

Tomorrow he will feel my brush for the first time.

Day 1, first step.

First of all I'd just like to give you a little bit of background, basically I'm a complete novice when it comes to painting miniatures as well as art in general. I will be posting my progress from my first model and beyond, hopefully making noticeable progress in between. I only have a basic point and shoot camera but I will do my best to get passable photos.

First up, just a simple Dark Angels Marine, I didn't use any of the "special" bits on him, nor the better weapons as I didn't want to waste them seeing as he's my first model ever. I'm pretty happy with how I put him together, although the right arm doesn't look right to me, maybe it's my eyes but I'm pretty sure I should have put the shoulder pad on at a better angle. And don't ask how long it actually took me just to put the bloody thing together, it's too embarrassing! Any tips would be great, especially when it comes to mold lines and especially the little bits of plastic left over from the sprue, I got most of it off (I think) but it's not perfect.

I will be updating this blog for every stage of every model, I would have added photos of the model primed but God is mocking me and made it ran the second I finished putting the model together.

More to come in the future, any tips, tricks, advice no matter how small is welcome.